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  • Artists:119
  • Albums: 316
  • Songs:  840
  • Art: 119
  • Alb: 316
  • Sng: 840

iron-pick-400.pngWhy Iron Pick?

The time will come, and I'll tell the story of the brand name birth. For now, I will just tell that a fairly short and easily pronounced domain name has been chosen from those which were not occupied at the time of picking a name within the boundaries of the dot-com. The .com domain was an indispensable goal.

As a matter of fact, however, the signboard is secondary thing, while the product quality I consider the primary. As an author of this resource, I answer for the quality if not with my head, than at least with my favorite guitar. And I really want to share my experience with you, dear friend.

Here you will find the lyrics and guitar chords of many excellent songs. The collection is consistently supplemented. But more importantly, here you will find many options that are not available on other similar resources. Rather, some of them are, but I set myself for the goal to collect the most successful finds from different projects, add my own ideas and create a perfect online environment for a guitarist of any level.

But I will not be able to manage such a task alone, so the important, if not the main, goal of this project is to unite the guitar enthusiasts in the general community and to create together the universal interactive guitar portal.

But it's still a dream. At the moment, I'm glad to intoduce to you my collection of lyrics and chords of favorite songs and the functionality that has already been implemented. Hopefully, you will enjoy it.

And most importantly - keep playing the guitar. The guitar is our everything!

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